Friday, April 9, 2010

Lord Ganesha writing Mahabharata

This is 24 by 30 inches oil painting on canvas.

This depicts Lord Ganesha writing the great epic Mahabharata. In the Mahabharata, it is described that Maharshi Ved Vyasa asked Ganesha to help him in writing the text, however Ganesha imposed a condition that he would do so only if Vyasa narrated the story without pause. To which Vyasa then made a counter-condition that Ganesha must understand the verse before he wrote it. Both agreed and the work started. In this process, after every one thousand shlokas, Vyasa used a puzzling shloka(grantha granthi). While Ganesha was in the process of understanding that shloka, Vyasa could compose another thousand shlokas. In this way, Vyasa used thousand grantha-granthis to stop Ganesha's writing speed.